I was looking at http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/26295161/ns/weather/ and noticed that the flash map is provided by bing and have a custom color scheme. I have a similar need to show maps with a black & white colortheme, is it possible using their api or have they made custom tiles ? (doesnt seem feasible to provide tiles for alls maps on all levels :)
If you are not wedded to Bing maps, you could look into Cloudmade, which provide maps based on OpenStreetMap in any style that you desire. Just click on the 'Change Style' button.
An example of embedding these custom styled maps is provided on Juha Christensens Blog.
David Dean
2009-11-27 04:12:14
Thanks! Havent seen cloudmade before seems like an interesting alternative, I'll check out the api
2009-12-07 05:52:36