I am working on a demo for a client of what's possible with GWT-Ext for GWT. After browsing for the simplest way to get up and running, I decided on installing the Google Plugin for Eclipse and using the New Web Application Wizard.
First time around, I followed these steps for create the default application:
- Selected File > New > Web Application Project from the Eclipse menu.
- In the New Web Application Project wizard, entered a name for the project (ExtDemo) and a java package name, com.extdemo.
- Unchecked the "Use Google App Engine" check box.
- Clicked Finish.
- Right clicked it in package explorer and selected Run As > Run Configurations
- Put a check in the Automatically Select Unused Port checkbox.
- Clicked Run to see the default GWT 1.7 application
This worked fine... it launched GWT's hosted browser and the app worked as supposed to.
(I then continued to import GWT-Ext and add all sorts of widgets building up a nice little demo app)
However at some point when relaunching the app in hosted mode, the hosted browser displays an empty iframe. I even reverted the code to a point where everything was working as supposed to and... same thing, an empty iframe with the surrounding static content.
Now what is really strange is when I go through the process of creating the default application again by following the steps above, the hosted browser launches with an empty iframe again.
However when I click on Compile/Browse, this sometimes allows the app to launch in Firefox.
Anyone have this happen to them?