I am getting the following message when I try to remote debug a java application through eclipse. "Failed to connect to remote VM. Connection refused." What could be the error?
do you have port 8000, or whatever port you have configured for remote connections open on your firewall?
2009-11-10 18:05:47
Right now I'm testing on my machine. So it won't be a problem right?
2009-11-10 18:39:14
no, it shouldn't be a problem if its on the same machine...
2009-11-10 18:44:11
The remote application needs to be started first. Did you add the arguments to the target remote app so it will accept a debugging connection/
Kelly French
2009-11-10 18:06:28
Sometimes the port hasn't been released from the last time it was ran. On Windows do a 'netstat -a' and look for the port the remote app is using to listen for debug connections. If it is still open, you won't be able to open a remote debug session. Close the port/socket or if it comes down to it, change the port used. Hopefully the first socket eventually releases before you lock up the second.
Kelly French
2009-11-11 15:35:00
You need to invoke the process to be debugged with the appropriate options e.g.
-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=1044
(substitute with the appropriate port if necessary) and it sounds like the VM isn't listening on the configured port. You can use netstat /a
to confirm if the VM is listening on that port (or telnet
Brian Agnew
2009-11-10 18:18:38
When I tried netstat /a i got: TCP DEV-MACHINE2:8787 localhost:1261 ESTABLISHEDThis is the only entry for the port number 8787 which I an using.
2009-11-10 18:38:03
Make sure your JVM was started with these options
-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=8000,server=y,suspend=n
and that port 8000 is free
Murali VP
2009-11-10 18:19:02