



I just created a web application on Sharepoint and followed all the instructions as given. When i created web app, it created the Database on SQL and the new website on IIS. But when i goto browse that website, It gives me the following error -

The website declined to show this webpage HTTP 403
Most likely causes: •This website requires you to log in.

I dont have anywhere login required. What am i doing wrong? Anyone have this problem please help me.



It sounds to me like you didn't enable Anonymous access for the Web Application when you initially deployed it. You can either manually change this from IIS, or delete and re-deploy your web app.

Justin Niessner
I am using IIS 6.0 on vista, and I dont see the usual properties there. how do I change the Anon access?
Vista comes with IIS 7. To find the setting, find your Sharepoint site's virtual directory in the Sites list. Then double click 'Authentication'. You can then change the settings there.
Justin Niessner
just checked. For sharepoint Anonymous Auth ASP.NET Impersonation and Windows Auth are all Enabled. It still wont show up.
How are you running SharePoint on Vista?
good point Ryan...
Jon Schoning
Jon Schoning

I have seen this when the account that acts as the identity for the app pool connected to your SharePoint site is not in the correct groups. Figure out which user is the app pool identity, then add it to the following groups in Computer Management:

  • Administrators

Make certain that Enable Default Document is actually enabled.

  1. Open IIS manager (start -> run -> type "inetmgr")
  2. Select your websites' virtual directory (e.g. <LOCAL COMPUTER> -> Web Sites -> Default Web Site -> <YOUR WEBSITE>)
  3. Right-click and select properties
  4. Click on Documents tab
  5. Verify that Enable Default Document has been checked and not disabled
  6. Verify that the list contains the name of your default page (for example, Default.aspx might be missing and needs to be added in)

As in Justin Niessner's answer, make certain Anonymous access has also been enabled.

Ray Vega