
Apache gives me 403 Access Forbidden when DocumentRoot points to two different drives

I am getting an 403 access forbidden when attempting to open a page under a vhost where the document root is sitting on a different drive than where apache is sitting. I installed using the apachefriends release. This is my httpd-vhosts.conf file: NameVirtualHost <VirtualHost> ServerName foo.localhost Document...

git instaweb gives 403 Forbidden - No projects found

running git instaweb in my repository opens a page that says "403 Forbidden - No projects found". What am I missing? ...

Problem redirecting 403 Forbidden to 404 Not Found.

The pertinent part of my .htaccess looks like this: Options -Indexes <FilesMatch include> Order allow,deny Deny from all </FilesMatch> RedirectMatch 404 ^/include(/.*)$ And it's generating the following responses: /include 403 /include/ 404 /include/ 403 I can tell by looking at my pattern that problem is l...

SharePoint 403 error for users not exist in "All People"

It is complex, I'll trying to describe it here. If the user and his group have no access rights to anything on the SP site, the user will get a proper "Error:Access Denied" SharePoint page upon logon. If the user has some access to something through his group membership, then a. If the user is listed in the All People list, then the ...

The remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden.

I have a Windows service that downloads a webpage from a url. Locally on XP it runs fine, but when I run the service on the server (2008 server) I get the error in the title (403, Forbidden). I've tried running the service as Administrator, and tried various permissions but nothing seems to work. Has anyone else run into this? ...

ProxyPassMatch directive problems

We have an environment with Apache 2.2.11 acting as front end to incoming connections to a Tomcat backend server. We are using the following directives in the http-ssl.conf, which works great when not trying to catch 403 errors: SetEnvIf COMPANY EDLP 4.0.1 NLEDLPKEY=true General setup for the virtual host DocumentRoot "C:/xampp/ht...

Whats wrong with this 403 error redirect

Hi have created a error.php for joomla to redirect 404 errors etc to a joomla article. The code below works for a 404 error, but a 403 returns a blank page. I can navigate to the page directly outside my script so it must be either my code or how it is interactive in it's environment. Thanks Stephen defined( '_JEXEC' ) or die( 'Restric...

Automatic Request to a web Page

Hi, i m trying to implement this thing , that when ever a person opens up a page an automatic request goes to some server . i m doing this with ajax by calling a function on onload event of body .. but it is giving me Access Restricted to URI 1012 error .. then i used jquery .. and used its post() method .. now it is giving me 403 Forbid...

apache mod_security says - Access Denied error

Background - I have my website code hosted on a linux server. My website allows new registrations for employers ( The filled-up forms are verified by JavaScripts in the folder "/javascript" and if the information is found ok, the data is submitted via JavaScript HTTP request object and...

Drupal6: Accessing node info from hook_preprocess_page(&$vars)

For a certain content type, I want to alter the access denied error message. What is the best way to go about doing this? function mytheme_preprocess_page(&$vars) { if ($vars['title'] == 'Access denied' && $node->type == 'ODP') { $vars['content'] = 'OMG WHAT R U DOING!1!?!!1'; } I was hoping to do something like that. However...

Why does wcf web service hosted in iis over ssl. result in "403 forbidden"? Jquery $.post sends OPTIONS verb?

I have a WCF Webservice hosted in IIS. It uses a webHttpBinding. There are WebInvoke attributes on the methods so that they can be access REST style. I can successfully use them like so: and POST to that the arguments to the web service. Now I want to change this to HTTPS over a...

Is there a way to force apache to return 404 instead of 403?

Is there a way how I can configure the Apache web server to return a 404 (not found) error code instead of 403 (forbidden) for some specific directories which I want to disallow to be accessed? I found some solutions suggesting the use of mod_rewrite, like e.g. RewriteEngine On RewriteRule ^.*$ /404 [L] As the purpose of sending 404 ...

WebRequest C# 403 Error

Okay so here's what I'm doing. I'm making a request to a server to pull down a file. I do this by making a WebRequest to the website the getting the response just as you usually would, although i get a 403 error saying i don't have permissions. Problem is when i plug the URL into Google Chrome I get redirected and the file i requested c...

Apache Forbidden error on clean CentOS install

Hey folks, I have a clean copy of CentOS. Just installed Apache, PHP and MySQL. Everything works like a charm. Except for I created a new user, let's call it 'demo'. I created a new virtual directory in httpd.conf and pointed it to '/home/demo/www'. I created an empty index.html under '/home/demo/www'. Apache is running under user '...

Browser behavior on 403 Forbidden error

My server returns a 403 forbidden error when a user tries to access a resource that they do not have access to. Along with the header the server also writes a small message describing the error. In Firefox the error message gets displayed nicely and the user knows what's going on. In Internet Explorer the message is hidden and replaced...

sharepoint website error 403

I just created a web application on Sharepoint and followed all the instructions as given. When i created web app, it created the Database on SQL and the new website on IIS. But when i goto browse that website, It gives me the following error - The website declined to show this webpage HTTP 403 Most likely causes: •This website req...

403 error in Google App Engine with staticdir

Hi, For some reason I can't get static_dir to work. In my app.ymal I have: - url: /ui static_dir: ui - url: /dump static_dir: dump Loading static files from /ui works (i.e /ui/images/logo.png). But when I try to access something from /dumo I just get: INFO 2009-11-12 14:03:55,497] "GET /dump/ka...

MVC routing is not handling one of my directories

I'm using ASP.NET MVC with IIS 7.0. I've got 404 errors hooked up fine through my Application_Error override. In addition to "Controllers", "Models", "Helpers" etc. I have a directory called 'Files' that I use to store user-uploaded files. When I go to, instead of getting a 'Not Found' I get a default IIS 4...

Http 403 or 404 for accessing restricted WEB resource?

My question is rather similar to this Return “correct” error code, or protect privacy?, but I'd like to hear some different answers. We have WEB site most pages of which may be visited by not logged in user. But when not logged in user tries to access resource (Page) that requires authorization (user must have FooRole role), we automati...

Strange Sharepoint 403 error

Hi all, I've installed a Sharepoint site for my team. Everything work fine. But suddenly, I've found that I can not edit the quicklaunch menu: every time I click on Add Item or edit an Item, I get a 403 error. I've logged with administrator account. I've tried using different browsers such as chrome, firefox, but no hope. The same err...