



Hey guys, I'm new to actionscript and have to create a DDR-like game for an assignment. I converted all my arrows into symbols and gave them an instance name.

so far I didn't include any functions; just set all my symbols to visible = false or true. But for whatever reason it just plays everything anyway.

And I'm getting an error: 1119: Access of possibly undefined property visible through a reference with static type fl.motion:AnimatorFactory.


In Flash, if there is a code error, it basically ignores all actionscript and auto-loops every MovieClip in the project that exists on the stage (the default behaviour for MovieClips)

The 1119 error means just what is says, you're trying to set a property (visible) on an object of a type the does not have that property (AnimatorFactory)

You'll need to post a code example to get more specific help if you still need it.


thanks! there's literally no function coding as of yet. I was just starting with setting the properties and seeing if that works...

package{ import flash.display.MovieClip; import*;

public class GameAS3 extends MovieClip{

public function GameAS3(){
 //background layer
  logo_mc.visible = true;
  lounge_mc.visible = true;
  line_mc.visible = true;
 //Welcome layer
  welcome_mc.visible = true;
 //Final Arrow layer: the arrows to hit at the top
  ArrowLeft_mc.visible = true;
  ArrowDown_mc.visible = true;
  ArrowUp_mc.visible = true;
  ArrowRight_mc.visible = true;
 //glow layer: glowing symbols that will activate every time you hit one
  glowLeft_mc.visible = false;
  glowDown_mc.visible = false;
  glowUp_mc.visible = false;
  glowRight_mc.visible = false;
 //the arrows that go to the beat 
  left_mc.visible = false;
  down_mc.visible = false;
  up_mc.visible = false;
  right_mc.visible = false;
 //menu invisible: after welcome you press next to see the menu
  easy_btn.visible = false;
  medium_btn.visible = false;
  hard_btn.visible = false;
  expert_btn.visible = false;
  career_btn.visible = false;
 //score: will pop according to how you hit it
  miss_mc.visible = false;
  okay_mc.visible = false;
  perfecto_mc.visible = false;

