



+1  Q: 

SEO with Magento.

My client just contacted me with the following fixes that he received from his own SEO person. His website is using Magento and his SEO person knows that.

a) remove the frame from the template

b) add static html pages for each category item

c) revise each page to have a title and meta description

d) add 100-200 words per page as a product description

e) add additional content (via WordPress) to provide on page ranking factor for each page

f) build backlinks from other sites to the main category pages to rank for the more competitive keywords.

My questions

a) What does he mean by frame exactly? I guess he means "template", but how do I remove template from Magento since it is Magento's core feature?

b) Is there such functionality within Magento? I see that Magento already uses category-namte.htm with routers. Isn't it enough?

c) How do I do that? I mean, not all pages have products.

e) I don't get it...his SEO person already knows that he doesn't use Wordpress.

f) I don't get it. What does he mean?

Please give me any advice...

+2  A: 

Now that is a list. I don't think I can answer them all and don't know much about your ecommerce package. a) does your site use frames? If it is a template thing border: 0 maybe the way to go.

b) Are they worried about the cms nature of the site? I think most cms apps have a setting somewhere that allows you to format urls to look like real pages and not an entry in a database. I think if the keywords are in the filename search engines like this.

c) meta and title info can be used to describe any page. It doesn't have to be a lot, but relevance is important

e) not sure I can help much with this as it has also confused me. Isn't wordpress a blog site or am I missing something?

f) they want you to go to various other sites and create links back to their site.

Hope this helps and good luck.

Luke Duddridge
@Luke Duddridge // I have to ask them for e and f. Thanks!
+2  A: 

a) ask him what he means by frames

b) most cms' have and option for "seo friendly" urls. im positive magento has it you just need to find it.

c) all pages should have a title and description

e) again, if you're unclear, ask your client

f) this might not be your job. im not sure what your contract with your client is

Always ask your client questions if youre unclear what he/she means

@Galen // Yes..I should ask them directly. Thanks!!