What is Ken referring to? Is there a "creat" command?
It's a Unix system call that creates a file: At a Unix shell prompt, type man 2 creat
to learn more.
Heath Hunnicutt
2009-11-11 06:40:09
But "creat" does have an e in it.
2009-11-11 17:10:44
It should have two. ;)
Heath Hunnicutt
2009-11-11 17:36:41
Not only he refers to man 2 creat
system call. He also refers to the obsolete trends to save on every tiny character, where possible, sometimes this being only confusing, especially now, when typing and storing another character is rarely an obstacle.
Pavel Shved
2009-11-11 07:17:26
I think in the context of the question he was only referring to creat(). The point he was making was there was nothing about Unix he would have done differently except for this small spelling error in the system call to create a file.
2009-11-11 08:04:42
It refers to the UNIX system call to create new files. Linkers on some machines were limited to identifiers of at most 6 characters. Apparently, Ken had to work with such a linker and hence the create system call was shortened to creat to match this limitation. The irony is that create does too.
See also, question 682719
2009-11-11 21:34:31