Is there a way to draw a 3D Bar Graph using the pChart library in PHP?
I'm able to draw a 3D Pie graph but not a line graph.
Any help would be appreciated.
My code looks as follows
//The 3D bar graph
# // Dataset definition
$DataSet = new pData;
// $DataSet->AddPoint(array(10,40,30,20,30,30,20,10,10,70,40),"Serie1");
$DataSet->AddPoint(52,"Serie2","January 2009");
$DataSet->AddPoint(94,"Serie2","February 2009");
$DataSet->AddPoint(44,"Serie2","March 2009");
$DataSet->AddPoint(65,"Serie2","April 2009");
$DataSet->AddPoint(38,"Serie2","May 2009");
$DataSet->AddPoint(43,"Serie2","August 2009");
$DataSet->AddPoint(34,"Serie2","September 2009");
// $DataSet->SetXAxisUnit("months");
// Initialise the graph
$Test = new pChart(800,240);
$Test->drawTitle(50,22,"Clicks Per Month",50,50,50,585);
// Draw the 0 line
//Monthly Target
// Draw the bar graph
// Finish the graph
// $Test->drawLegend(596,150,$DataSet->GetDataDescription(),255,255,255);