I'm trying to measure how long it takes read then encrypt some data (independently). But I can't seem to access the a pre-created data obj within timeit (as it runs in its own virtual environment)
This works fine (timing file read operation):
t = timeit.Timer("""
openFile = open('mytestfile.bmp', "rb")
fileData = openFile.readlines()
readResult = t.repeat(1,1)
print ("\Finished reading in file")
The the below doesn't work because I can't access 'fileData' obj. I can't create it again from inside the timeit function, otherwise it will increase the overall execution time.
timing encrypt operation:
tt = timeit.Timer("""
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
import os
newFile = []
key = os.urandom(32)
cipher = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_CFB)
for lines in fileData:
newFile = cipher.encrypt(lines)""")
encryptResult = tt.repeat(1,1)