



I have the following line in my ActiveRecord model:

class Record < ActiveRecord::Base
    has_many :users, :through => :record_users, :uniq => true, :order => "record_users.index ASC"

This is intended to enable me to read out record.users in a way that I order using an index field in the record_users model.

The problem is that this fails on PostgreSQL with the following error:

ActionView::TemplateError (PGError: ERROR:  for SELECT DISTINCT, ORDER BY expressions must appear in select list

Is there a way to fix the statement to make it work?


I ran into something similar before and I believe it's an AR bug related to PGSQL (

I got around it by dropping the DISTINCT (:uniq) directive and resolved the uniq records another way. Kind of a bummer though.


I suppose you could call it a bug in ActiveRecord. PosgreSQL is a bit more restrictive than MySQL. You can help out ActiveRecord by setting up the association like this instead:

class Record < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :users,
   :through => :record_users,
   :select => 'DISTINCT users.*, record_users.index',
   :order => "record_users.index ASC"
Casper Fabricius
You can, since it is. MySQL is a bit more permissive and non-standard in what it accepts.
I don't get it - what's wrong with my solution above? I'd like to know, because I'm using it in my own project running on Postgres ;)
Casper Fabricius
Casper, I don't think james was saying it was a bad solution ;-) Also, is that a typo - DISTINCT?
Also, my question was - is there a way to fix the statement to make it work?. Your answer worked perfectly!
Cool. I guess I assumed that James had voted my answer down and that his comment was the explanation for it - guess not ;)
Casper Fabricius