I have an ASP MVC application that I have deployed on a hosting service (discountasp.net) to an application folder that is a sub folder of the root application. ie:
both root and apps are setup as application folders in IIS.
When I hit the default page I get the error "The view '' or its master could not be found. The following locations were searched".
This application works when I deploy it on my test servers and I have verified that everything is correctly deployed, views are there, correct assemblies seem to be there. I believe that the MVC application is not using the correct application root and thus is unable to find the view pages.
I've read a number of related posts on this error, but none of the typical solutions are my problem: missing view files, missing master file. This works on a test machine that I have setup as closely to the hosting company as I can. Even when I have nested application folders.
Any thoughts on how to correct this?