




Correct me if I'm wrong, but Server studio doesn't have relationship connectors.

Is there a good informix E/R diagrammer out there that generates the code automaticaly?

free would be nice...

UPDATE: Im wrong, it does have relationship connectors, it's just that you must define the foregin key and then execute, I didn't execute I thought saving the diagram would do... still sucks tho

+2  A: 

You have several options.

  • Erwin supports Informix.
  • IBM Data Studio also supports Informix.
  • I'm a little surprised that SSJE does not have any ER diagramming facility - are you sure about that? It has a Table Manager that is similar to what you want - but may not be part of the base offering distributed with IDS (IBM Informix Dynamic Server).
  • Also look at the Open Admin Tool (OAT).
Jonathan Leffler
can't seem to find a way in Server studio to connect tables with a relationship, I'm a total informix noob