I'm trying to plot points from a very large array into an image using Ruby. Such that the array items are represented by a point or dot of the appropriate colour, and the dots together form the shape. Since the dots are from the array they are not random in colour or location to each other, so I'm confused how to begin.
I want to eventually make the shape of a spiral galaxy, but just consider the opening question above. Later this can also get complicated because the middle will have more dots that the outer layers, but again that doesn't matter. I just want to know how to first start using my array items to make an ordered image based on the colours of the array items.
With that initial image, I can then split up the image into tiles which each tile is clickable representing an area of points, eventually allowing me to use the first process again and again to make a quadrant and then for a solar system etc.
I'm unaware of how to represent the initial image to being with.
I'm using Ruby and the Rmagick library. If there is another package to use or even another Linux based program (cmd or gui) that can help make this initial image, that would be a big help.