In normal (not compiled) Linq to Sql queries you can extract the SQLCommand from the IQueryable via the following code:
SqlCommand cmd = (SqlCommand)table.Context.GetCommand(query);
Is it possible to do the same for a compiled query?
The following code provides me with a delegate to a compiled query:
private static readonly Func<Data.DAL.Context, string, IQueryable<Word>> Query_Get =
CompiledQuery.Compile<Data.DAL.Context, string, IQueryable<Word>>(
(context, name) =>
from r in context.GetTable<Word>()
where r.Name == name
select r);
When i use this to generate the IQueryable and attempt to extract the SqlCommand it doesn't seem to work. When debugging the code I can see that the SqlCommand returned has the 'very' useful CommandText of 'SELECT NULL AS [EMPTY]'
using (var db = new Data.DAL.Context())
IQueryable<Word> query = Query_Get(db, "word");
SqlCommand cmd = (SqlCommand)db.GetCommand(query);
Console.WriteLine(cmd != null ? cmd.CommandText : "Command Not Found");
I can't find anything in google about this particular scenario, as no doubt it is not a common thing to attempt...
So.... Any thoughts?