



In normal (not compiled) Linq to Sql queries you can extract the SQLCommand from the IQueryable via the following code:

SqlCommand cmd = (SqlCommand)table.Context.GetCommand(query);

Is it possible to do the same for a compiled query?

The following code provides me with a delegate to a compiled query:

        private static readonly Func<Data.DAL.Context, string, IQueryable<Word>> Query_Get =
        CompiledQuery.Compile<Data.DAL.Context, string, IQueryable<Word>>(
            (context, name) =>
                from r in context.GetTable<Word>()
                where r.Name == name
                select r);

When i use this to generate the IQueryable and attempt to extract the SqlCommand it doesn't seem to work. When debugging the code I can see that the SqlCommand returned has the 'very' useful CommandText of 'SELECT NULL AS [EMPTY]'

        using (var db = new Data.DAL.Context())
            IQueryable<Word> query = Query_Get(db, "word");
            SqlCommand cmd = (SqlCommand)db.GetCommand(query);
            Console.WriteLine(cmd != null ? cmd.CommandText : "Command Not Found");

I can't find anything in google about this particular scenario, as no doubt it is not a common thing to attempt...

So.... Any thoughts?


There must be a way from .NET, but you can profile your SQL Server database and capture the SQL sent to it. You can do this from SQL Management Studio.


You could use the DataContext log:

db.Log = Console.Out;