This could be a question for serverfault as well, but it also includes topics from here.
I am building a new web site that consist of 6 servers. 1 mysql, 1 web, 2 file processing servers, 2 file servers. In short, file processing servers process files and copy them to the file servers. In this case I have two options;
I can setup a web server for each file server and serve files directly from there. Like, file1.domain.com/file.zip. Some files (not all of them) will need authentication so I will authenticate users via memcache from those servers. 90% of the requests won't need any authentication.
Or I can setup NFS and serve files directly from the web server, like www.domain.com/fileserve.php?id=2323 (it's a basic example)
As the project is heavily based on the files, the second option might not be as effective as the first option, as it will consume more memory (even if I split files into chunks while serving)
The setup will stay same for a long time, so we won't be adding new file servers into the setup.
What are your ideas, which one is better? Or any different idea?
Thanks in advance,