Hi there,
This is indeed a sort of exercise I have to complete but a little direction would be wonderful. I have to determine if I should prove or disprove these three statements...
The definition I have of floor and ceil are pretty basic. I wont bother placing them here. Once I determine if they need proof/disproof I have to get to work on actually making that happen.
My hunch is that the first needs a disproof because it's not the case that all X and Y floor and ceiled equal are less than the floor of them multiplied. It seems too strict.
The second statement seems less strict. The floor times the ceil are greater than the floor xy...that's very much possible.
The third, also seems possible though most of the time I bet they would be equal in value.
Wondering if I'm on the right track. Sorry for my notation, I didn't want to use formal mathematical symbols. I'll have to write out a formal and rigorous proof for each.