Why doesn't the code below work? The idea is that the page checks to see if the dropdown variable has changes since you last refreshed the page.
<logic:equal name="Result" value = "-1">
<bean:define id="JOININGDATE" name="smlMoverDetailForm" property="empFDJoiningDate"
type="java.lang.String" toScope = "session" />
<logic:equal name="Result" value = "-1">
<bean:define id="DropDownValue" name="smlMoverDetailForm" property="moverChangeType"
type="java.lang.String" toScope = "session" />
<-- when you fisrt access this page from the above are run -->
<bean:define id="NewDropDownValue" name="smlMoverDetailForm"
property="moverChangeType" type="java.lang.String" toScope = "sess
<-- this happens everytime the page is refreshed-->
<logic:equal name= DropDownValue value = NewDropDownValue>
<bean:define id="JOININGDATE" name="smlMoverDetailForm"
property="empFDJoiningDate" type="java.lang.String" toScope = "session" />
<logic:notEqual name="DropDownValue" value = "NewDropDownValue">
<bean:define id="DropDownValue" name="smlMoverDetailForm"
property="moverChangeType" type="java.lang.String" toScope = "session"