It depends on the type of AI you want to do.
If you are looking for some kind of path-finding algorithm, I would start with a very simple 2-D array based world. I doesn't have to be graphic is could be a char[][]. If you build this world right you can use any number of path finding techniques such as A* or you could create a genetic algorithm that creates a pathfinding algorithm.
If you are looking for some king of strategy-base stuff, there is always mini-max. You could create a simplified version of chess (only pawns and bishops on a 4x8 grid). Once you have the world setup, you can have fun tuning the fitness function and matching different versions of the fitness functions against each other. Sorry for the sameless plug, here is the code to an old assignment where we did a similar program with minimax and alpha beta in java.
You could also learn clips, but I think the expert systems side of AI is really boring.