it seems that the Parameter-Name in the GET request, that represents the SessionID (like jsessionid=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX in Tomcat) is not standardized in the servlet-spec? How can I get the (Servelt Container Specific) name of the SessionID? (At least in Websphere there seems to be the possibilty to change the name of the SessionID-Parameter-Name)
=> The underlaying problem is, I need to encode a URL in a servlet ALWYAS with the session ID. But it seems that the "response.encodeURL()" Method only does this if Cookies are disabled (=>therefor using URL-Rewriting with the sessionID in the URL).
What would be an alternative to always encode a URL with a session ID in a servlet? As the first question implies I wanted to build the sessionid on my own but I therefore need the sessionID-Parameter Name that however seems not be be standardized, so I somehow need to get the Parameter-Name from somewhere...)
UPDATE: The intention is to keep the SessionManagement Functionality provided by the Servlet-Container and not turn it off completely. I need to pass a Callback URL to a third party system that I want to always contain the SessionURL. So I only want to encode this single URL always with the sessionID to minimize any security issues...
Thank you very much Jan