I have a stored procedure with the following header:
FUNCTION SaveShipment (p_user_id IN INTEGER, p_transaction_id IN INTEGER, p_vehicle_code IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, p_seals IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL) RETURN INTEGER;
And I am having trouble running it from TOAD's Editor. I cannot run it as part of a select from dual statement because it preforms DML, but if I try the following syntax which I saw recommended on some forum:
var c integer;
exec :c := orm_helper.orm_helper.SAVESHIPMENT (9999, 31896, NULL, '');
print c;
I get:
ORA-01008: not all variables bound
BEGIN :c := orm_helper.orm_helper.saveshipment (9999, 31896, null, ''); END;
Error at line 2
ORA-01008: not all variables bound
What's the proper syntax to run this sp manually?