=> 999.0
Is this the expected behavior? How would one convert "9.99" to 9.99
=> 999.0
Is this the expected behavior? How would one convert "9.99" to 9.99
What locale are you running in? My guess is that it's treating "." as a thousands separator (which happens to be in the wrong place in this case) and "," as a decimal point.
... but if that works, it's probably dependent on the current culture of the system, and you should look to find a culture-invariant way of converting.
What version of Ruby are you using ?
"9.99".to_f results in 9.99 for me using Ruby 1.8.6 on Windows.
What version? This works as expected on 1.8.7.
irb(main):001:0> "9.99".to_f
=> 9.99
ruby -e "puts \"9.99\".to_f"
Maybe some nasty gem or a Rails plugin changed your String#to_f behaviour...
Sure. It's a culture dependent conversion. Tested on IronRuby 0.9