



Can I call yui compressor: java -jar yuicompressor-x.y.z.jar [options] [input file] from a django management command and if so how do I go about doing it?

I develop locally on Window and host on Linux, so this seem like a solution that will work on both.

+1  A: 

Yes, but you have to write the command part yourself. The best way to go about this would be to see how the stock commands are implemented or look at a project like django-command-extensions

However, an even better solution (i.e. less work) would be to use a project like django-compress that already defines a management command synccompress that will call yui compressor.

Van Gale
+3  A: 

To expand on Van Gale's answer, it's most certainly possible. Here are the ingredients:

  • An app that is in INSTALLED APPS
  • The proper directory structure
  • A python file to act as the command which inherits off of a Django management command class

Here's generally how this works...

When runs, if it does not find the command say " yui_compress" it searches through the installed apps. It looks in each app to see if exists, and then checks if there is a file "" in that module. If so, it will initiate the class in that python file and use that.

So, it ends up looking like this...


Where contains...

from import NoArgsCommand

class Command(NoArgsCommand):
    help = "Does my special action."
    requires_model_validation = False

    def handle_noargs(self, **options):
        # Execute whatever code you want here

Of course 'app' needs to be in thE INSTALLED APPS inside of

But then, Van does make a good suggestion to find a tool which already does what you want. :)

T. Stone
+1 Nice answer, I was wanting to sketch out how to do a command but didn't have enough time.
Van Gale
Thanks for the answer. I understand how to setup the management commands, but was wondering about the: NoArgsCommand and what to put inside the: def handle_noargs method?
What goes in there is whatever code you want to be run when the command is run. Here's an example from South -- So in your case you could, for example, have it recursively search the MEDIA_ROOT folder, find all files ending in CSS, run them through the YUI compressor, then save them as [[originalname]]_compressed.css.
T. Stone
yeah, but how do I run the command: java -jar yuicompressor-x.y.z.jar from that method? Sorry, I just can't find an docs on NoArgsCommand stuff. Thanks!
It's just regular Python that you stick in there. For example, subprocess.Popen --
T. Stone