how should i implement openid in python language using openid API?
sorry actually iam talking about openid library.
Rahul S
2009-11-13 06:54:51
For hassle free installation of openid use the RPX The installation is quite simple. visit the website for more details. You will be able to understand it very easily.
Gaurav Sharma
2009-11-13 06:14:30
hello gaurav, i was busy in another module thts y i couldnt reply you.i telling you the steps which i had taken...1) downloaded the python-openid janrain lib in python language.2) installed it 3) now i import these lib in my programe4) i have studied many articles, visited so many website which are using openid concept, still i have problem actually i'm using this concept for third party authentication.1) enter openid_url and password at opening page2) checking openid_url(exist?)3) checking password corresponding openid_urlhow should i do this steps in my app.
Rahul S
2010-01-14 05:10:24