



Hi, I'm using Crystal Reports in my VB6 project, but I'm facing error while loading the report in crystalreport1.action=1; Please give me some solution for this problem. It is showing the error as Error in 20728-F. I am attaching the code below. So please reply to my query...

cryStockReport.ReportTitle = "Total Stock Report"

cryStockReport.SQLQuery = "select * from Tr_stockcenter,ma_product where sc_productcode=pr_productcode and sc_yearcode=" & intyearcode & " order by sc_Productcode"

cryStockReport.ReportFileName = App.Path & "\stock.rpt "

cryStockReport.WindowTitle = "STOCK REPORT"

cryStockReport.WindowState = crptMaximized

cryStockReport.DiscardSavedData = True

cryStockReport.Action = 1

Thanks in Advance. Velu

+2  A: 

A quick search on 'crystal report error 20728-F' led me to this thread. It appears that you may be missing cpre23.dll and dwmapi.dll.
