



For an Excel formula I need the first cell out of a list of cells which contains a numeric value:

 A  |  B  |  C  | ... |  Z  |
    | 0.1 | 0.4 | ... | =0.1
    |     | 0.2 | ... | =0.2

I use this schema:


Unfortunately this only works for seven columns, because the maximum length is limited in Excel.

Is there any way to re-phrase this formula so that it doesn't get deeper with every additional column?

+3  A: 

OK, lets see. Try this


The sumproduct counts the number of blanks, then the index looks up the value in the cell where number of blanks + 1

Hope that helps.

shouldn't it be `countif(A1:Y1,"")` ?
Have you tried the formula?
Yes hence the: "astanders answer works" in my answer.I am more curious about why you chose sumproduct instead of countif. Does it perform better or is it a personal preference?
+1  A: 

Perhaps this may help XL: How to Determine Top/Bottom Used Cells in a Sparse Array

This seems to exactly what I need, but unfortunately on my worktstation ISNUMBER always returns False for ranges...

In a single cell you can do this with an array formula:

Isnumber provides the test in Excel 2007

Multiply the result by column()

Use an if statement to help the following min function along:

Use the min function to identify the first numeric column.

Remember to use ctrl shift enter when you want to make an array formula, not just enter.


This also finds the first used column across multiple rows should you need that functionality.

+1  A: 

astanders answer works (with the assumption that the cells following the first number are allways filled).

You can also write your own function in a VBA Module.

Public Function getFirstNumber(ByRef sourceRow As Range) As Double
    For Each Cell In sourceRow.Cells
        If WorksheetFunction.IsNumber(Cell) = True Then
            getFirstNumber = Cell.Value
            Exit Function
        End If
    Next Cell
End Function