When I start a java application, the Java Console is started. But when I start a java application from Eclipse, the Java Console does not start on its own. How can I make it start also when I run an application from Eclipse?
What for do you need java console? There is window console in Eclipse IDE where all System.out.println are redirected.
2009-11-13 14:01:11
I need it for a debug situation... is it possible to start the console when I run the application from Eclipse?
Jenny Smith
2009-11-13 14:03:54
@Jenea - This is not enough if java.io.Console support is required. See https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=122429
2009-11-13 14:20:49
@McDowell -Thanks. Really happy you pointed me there.
2009-11-16 10:05:43
If you are wanting the program to start in it's own window. Try running it as an external tool. The program would be cmd.exe and the argument would be your java command line, e.g. "java -cp c:\myclasspath myProg" and so forth.
Kelly French
2009-11-13 14:08:45
Take a look at this topic .. I think it is exactly what you want.
There is an answer of how to be able to use step-through debugging from Eclipse.
Diego Dias
2009-11-13 14:09:06
First check that no other console is pinned, icon looks like window with a needle in it. This means that no other console except the one that is pinned will show the output. If everything else fails try to reset the java perspective in Eclipse.
2009-11-13 14:49:41