I am used to doing development while following agile practices, so short iterations, with very flexible planning, as the design can change based upon comments/suggestions.
But, I recently had interviewed for a job where all their development is done in India, and since I have never done anything like that I wasn't offered the job.
So, I am curious if it is possible to follow agile concepts when the work is outsourced, or would it basically be a hybrid-waterfall design, with lots of UML diagrams and pages of specifications?
UPDATE: My question is about how can agile methodology be followed while the design and customers are in the US. It would be difficult when contracting, as the contract, I guess, would be a price for a deliverable, which means the deliverable requirements are set in stone. If the people in India were employed by the company (MS for example) then Agile can work, as they do their part, commit to source control, it gets built, commented on, and the cycle continues.