



How do I install SQLite 3.6 on Windows 7?

I extracted sqlite3.exe, sqlite3.dll, and sqlite3.def to C:\Windows\System32 but when I try to run a Ruby program that requires the use of sqlite3, I get this error:

The program can't start because sqlite3.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem.

+5  A: 

Windows 7 must have a PATH environment variable of some kind, or perhaps your app has an environment variable that is needed?

I would try adding the path to SQLite in PATH.

Supplemental: One does not "install" SQLite 3. It's a DLL, usually unregistered. Most software using SQLite 3 will rely on a local copy or one referenced in an environment variable.

Ahh thank you. I added the files to ruby/bin and it works!
+1  A: 

Just tried this on Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit. Didn't like it when I put it in the ruby/bin folder. Didn't like the \Winodws\System32 either... put it in the \Windows\system and it ran... go figure... anyway fyi for 64bit.

Same OS, your solution worked, thanks for posting. Weird that it doesn't work in System32...
Glad I could help!

Windows 7 64 bit here as well, putting them in \Windows\system did it for me.

Actually I was installing this for HDBC and Haskell following the instructions at

The only difference for Windows 7 64 bit is in the below instruction -

"Put “sqlite3.dll” from sqlitedll-3*.zip into ghc --print-libdir and into %windir%\system32."

The file should be copied into the \Windows\system instead of the %windir%\system32 folder.
