I am using the multi-upload plugin found at: http://www.fyneworks.com/jquery/multiple-file-upload/
This is what I am doing:
These steps will reproduce the problem:
Create a file input field, add 'multi-upload' as the class and 'images[]' as the name
Use the input field to select an image and redirect to upload.php page via the action parameter on the form field
I tried to echo out the images array on the upload.php page using echo $_FILES['images[0]']['size']; but nothing appears so the image(s) never uploads.
If I remove the 'multi-upload' class from the input field, it works fine and using the echo i mentioned in #3, echoes out the size of the uploaded image.
What version of the plugin/jQuery am I using? JQUERY VERSION: I am using v.1.4.6
On what browser(s) or operating system? BROWSER(S): windows xp, windows vista
Please provide a link to where the problem can be observed: URL: http://www.idea-palette.com/port/vacation_showcase/admin/mailinglist/index.php?action=create-mail