



I am looking into starting a project which involves executing python code that the user enters via a HTML form. I know this can be potentially lethal (exec), but I have seen it done successfully in at least one instance.

I sent an email off to the developers of the Python Challenge and I was told they are using a solution they came up with themselves, and they only let on that they are using "security features provided by the operating system" and that "the operating system [Linux] provides most of the security you need if you know how to use it."

Would anyone know how a safe and secure way to go about doing this? I thought about spawning a new VM for every submission, but that would have way too much overhead and be pert-near impossible to implement efficiently.


Using chroot (Wikipedia) may be part of the solution, e.g. combined with ulimit and some other common (or custom) tools.

+1  A: 

If you run the script as user nobody (on Linux), it can write practically nowhere and read no data that has its permissions set up properly. But it could still cause a DoS attack by, for example:

  • filling up /tmp
  • eating all RAM
  • eating all CPU

Furthermore, outside network connections can be opened, etcetera etcetera. You can probably lock all these down with kernel limits, but you are bound to forget something.

So I think that a virtual machine with no access to the network or the real hard drive would be the only (reasonably) safe route. Perhaps the developers of the Python Challenge use KVM which is, in principle, "provided by the operating system".

For efficiency, you could run all submissions in the same VM. That saves you much overhead, and in the worst-case scenario they only hamper each other, but not your server.

+2  A: 

On a modern Linux in addition to chroot(2) you can restrict process further by using clone(2) instead of fork(2). There are several interesting clone(2) flags:

CLONE_NEWIPC (new namespace for semaphores, shared memory, message queues)
CLONE_NEWNET (new network namespace - nice one)
CLONE_NEWNS (new set of mountpoints)
CLONE_NEWPID (new set of process identifiers)
CLONE_NEWUTS (new hostname, domainname, etc)

Previously this functionality was implemented in OpenVZ and merged then upstream, so there is no need for patched kernel anymore.

A: has implemented such a system successfully (as a public code pasting/running service!) is an online compiler/interpreter, and a simple collaboration tool. It's a pastebin that executes code for you. [...]

How it works

Code execution is handled by a supervisor based on geordi. The strategy is to run everything under ptrace, with many system calls disallowed or ignored. Compilers and final executables are both executed in a chroot jail, with strict resource limits. The supervisor is written in Haskell.


When your app is remote code execution, you have to expect security problems. Rather than rely on just the chroot and ptrace supervisor, I've taken some additional precautions:

  • The supervisor processes run on virtual machines, which are firewalled such that they are incapable of making outgoing connections.

  • The machines that run the virtual machines are also heavily firewalled, and restored from their source images periodically.
