How to put QGraphicsScene's (0,0) to top-left corner of QGraphicsView?
will be filled in the whole QGraphicsView
but You have the setSceneRect
function to choose the QGraphicsScene
part you want to see in the QGraphicsView
Patrice Bernassola
2009-11-16 09:46:37
i tried this method, but still can't get what i want.i call setSceneRect(0, 0, width, height) and point (0,0) of scene displays at the center(~) of i'm doing something like that:point = View.mapFromScene(QtCore.QPointF(0,0))obj.setPos(point.x(), point.y())
2009-11-16 16:40:28
sorry for formatting, i'm novice here.
2009-11-16 16:41:02
Scene is center in the view when view size is superior than scene size. So you need to manage scene size in function of view size in that case.
Patrice Bernassola
2009-11-16 20:07:32