



Hey guys I am having an issue when I'm trying to display a cfdiv inside a cfwindow. It just doesn't show up. No errors, nothing to tell me I'm doing something wrong. The div works just fine if I display it in the page outside of the cfwindow. The cfdiv binds to a page that displays notes. If I try to do a cfinclude with the page the cfdiv binds to I get an error saying that the template can't be found, or there needs to be a mapping. I also have a cftext area inside a cfform and I'm trying to do richtext with it, however it doesn't work either inside of the cfwindow. Is cfwindow incapable of doing this, or is there a trick I don't know about. If you need any other information I'll be happy to provide it.

<cfdiv bind="url:/admin/notes/noteDiv.cfm?noteCategory=businessListing#url.listingID#" id="noteDiv">

On the page with the cfdiv you need to add:

<cfajaximport tags="cfform">

That will load up the required Javascript scripts to make cfform work within a window.

Sam Farmer
I do have cfajax import on the main page. I thought that would resolve the issue but it doesn't. And normally it will error out if you don't have cfajax import and the page needs it.
I have an example working fine in ColdFusion 9. What version of CF are you running?
Sam Farmer
CF 8, I have another part of my site where I"m doing something similar but there is no difference in the code, just changed a few url variables.

Might need to pull in cfdiv from that cfAjaxProxy call as well.

Mark G