



Hi there, I have a ListView with an adapter extending BaseAdapter. I create a view (from a LinearLayout and I put some items ont it depending on some parameters. I have a textview, with a drawable and sometime another textview next to the drawable in this horizontal linearlayout. For some reason, this command doesn't seems to work.


So when my textview doesn't fill the full width of the list, I can only click on the part of the elements with the widget on it. I have try playing a lot with the layout and I can't get this to work. The parameters seems to be ignore all together. Only hack that would work I found was to set a big minimum width on my linearlayout but I don't think that's the best solution.

Thanks a lot,


+1  A: 

Change everything ListView, LayoutContainer and TextView to FILL_PARENT, that should do the job.

Sebastian Deutsch
For some reason, that didn't work for me. I ended up changing the layout for a TableLayout and add a Stretchable Column.
Jean-Philippe Jodoin