




I have a button in my web page with class "btnNewL1" . my CSS class is as below


background: url(../images/btnbgnew.png);
border:1px solid #818181;

When user place the mouse over the button,i want to chnage the appearance like change of bg image and chnage of border color etc... . I want to do this will CSS itself. and it should be be supported by IE6 IE 7 ,Firefox

How to do this ?


Combine the tw images into one and then change the background position.

CSS sprite

CSS Sprites: Image Slicing’s Kiss of Death


This SO question "How to use ‘hover’ in CSS" might help you.

I think what you are looking for the :hover class.

Here is an example at w3schools.

The example is for color, but I believe you can do this with other styles.

Derek B.
+1  A: 

Have a look at pseudo-classes

    background: url(../images/different.png);
Ben Shelock

You want the :hover pseudo-class. Use .btnNewL1:hover { ... } for your mouse-over styles.

See also the CSS2 spec for more info on pseudo-classes.

+2  A: 

Unfortunately :hover pseudo selector is not supported by IE6 on any other element than <a>.

If you wish to implement :hover on IE6, you can:

a) If possible, change your <input class="btnNewL1" type="button" value="click me!" /> to <a class="btnNewL1" href="#">click me!</a>. You will need to add display:block, and few other CSS rules. This will simply 'simulate' button using <a> tag. This is not perfect solution because sometimes you must use proper <input> (i.e. when using asp.net controls).

b) Use javascript to make workaround, example in jQuery is:

<script type="text/javascript">
<input type="button" value="click me!" class="btnNewL1" />

c) Wrap your code like that:

<a class="acont" href="#"><input type="button" value="click me!" /></a>

So you will be able to use CSS:

.acont:hover input { background:red; }

This will do the job, but as far I remember this is not valid HTML (<input> should not be placed inside <a> tag)

Which one you gonna choose - up to you. Main point from this post is, again: :hover pseudo selector can be used on IE6 only on anchor elements

Most of the time the rollover effect isn't important enough to me to bother with an IE6 compatible solution. But the OP did mention IE6 and I give you a +1 for addressing the issues around that.
Steve Wortham
thanks Steve. I do think the same but we should still remember about IE6 because plenty of people are using it. Oh, and btw I edited my post so now there are three solutions.