I'm using the Auth Module in Kohana v 2.3.4.
In terms of authenticating users, there's a two step process. The entry point is the function login. It's first task is to retrieve the password stored in the database and retrieve the password and determine the salt value. The salt is supposedly determined by an array of values, each corresponding to a point in the $salt.$password hashed value to introduce yet another part of the salt. In my case, I'm using md5.
I can't find a configuration for this SALT value. It seems to be relying on one already present within the password stored in the database. Is there one or do I need to configure AUTH to do so since this login needs to be portable and reproducible? If it can't detect the salt, in the hash_password routine, it defaults to using uniqid(), which I don't believe is portable at all.
In terms of adding users, does it make sense to modify the Auth library to add this feature? ie, introduce my own customized SALT that I can say, do an MD5 hash on that and then use that md5 generated by the salt to seed the password at given points in the md5sum?
I'm no security expert, but is this overkill? Granted, it prevents someone who were to get access to the md5 password list from using a md5 lookup of predetermined hashes.
If you have used the Kohana PHP framework, if you have any lessons learned or experiences after using it that might give insight as to the right approach for this problem, let me know. I'm reading numerous forums and wiki's about it, and there isn't a real concrete opinion yet that I've seen. I'm essentially trying to get a reproducible approach for authenticating someone in this site, both using PHP and eventually from a mobile device, like an iPhone. I'm also thinking of eventually adding support for google friend connect for openID support and integration.
Below are snippets from the Auth module in Kohana concerning the functions of interest. They have some debugging in them as I'm trying to better understand what's going on.
public function login($username, $password, $remember = FALSE)
if (empty($password))
return FALSE;
if (is_string($password))
// Get the salt from the stored password
$salt = $this->find_salt($this->driver->password($username));
Kohana::log('debug', "--- Auth_Core login salt = $salt ");
Kohana::log('debug', "--- Auth_Core login pass = $password ");
// Create a hashed password using the salt from the stored password
$password = $this->hash_password($password, $salt);
Kohana::log('debug', "--- Auth_Core login pass_hash = $password ");
return $this->driver->login($username, $password, $remember);
public function find_salt($password)
$salt = '';
foreach ($this->config['salt_pattern'] as $i => $offset)
// Find salt characters, take a good long look...
//$salt .= $password[$offset + $i];
$salt .= substr($password, $offset + $i, 0);
return $salt;
public function hash_password($password, $salt = FALSE)
Kohana::log('debug', "--- Auth_Core Original Pass = $password ");
if ($salt === FALSE)
// Create a salt seed, same length as the number of offsets in the pattern
$salt = substr($this->hash(uniqid(NULL, TRUE)), 0, count($this->config['salt_pattern']));
Kohana::log('debug', "--- Auth_Core salt created = $salt ");
// Password hash that the salt will be inserted into
$hash = $this->hash($salt.$password);
// Change salt to an array
$salt = str_split($salt, 1);
// Returned password
$password = '';
// Used to calculate the length of splits
$last_offset = 0;
foreach ($this->config['salt_pattern'] as $offset)
// Split a new part of the hash off
$part = substr($hash, 0, $offset - $last_offset);
// Cut the current part out of the hash
$hash = substr($hash, $offset - $last_offset);
// Add the part to the password, appending the salt character
$password .= $part.array_shift($salt);
// Set the last offset to the current offset
$last_offset = $offset;
Kohana::log('debug', "--- Auth_Core hashpw = $password + $hash ");
// Return the password, with the remaining hash appended
return $password.$hash;