



I've been told that I'd be better using PDO for MySQL escaping, rather than mysql_real_escape_string.

Maybe I'm having a brain-dead day (or it may be the fact I'm by no stretch of the imagination a natural programmer, and I'm still very much at the newbie stage when it comes to PHP), but having checked out the PHP manual and read the entry on PDO, I'm still no clearer as to what PDO actually is and why it's better than using mysql_real_escape_string. This may be because I've not really got to grips with the complexities of OOP yet (I'm assuming it's something to do with OOP), but other than the fact that variables and array values seem to have a colon infront of them, I'm still not sure what it actually is and how you use it (and why it's better than mysql_real_escape_string. (It also may have something to do with the fact that I don't really have a clear understanding of what 'classes' are, so when I read "PDO class" I'm none the wiser really).

Having read an article or two on the 'Developer Zone' bit of the MySQL website, I'm still no clearer. As I can't even figure out what it is at the moment, I think probably using it is a bit beyond me right now, but I'm still interested in broadening my education and finding out how I could improve things.

Could anyone explain to me in 'plain English' what PDO is (or point me in the direction of something on the subject written in plain English), and how you'd go about using it?

+6  A: 

imagine you write something along the lines of:

$query = 'SELECT * FROM table WHERE id = ' . mysql_real_escape_string($id);

this will not save you from injections, because $id could be 1 OR 1=1 and you will get all the records from the table. you’d have to cast $id to the right datatype (int in that case)

pdo has another advantage, and that is the interchangability of database backends.

That's useful to know. As I said, I'm still really at the 'newbie' stage when it comes to PHP and a lot of the code snippets I've used as I've pieced together the app I've developed do have for example `$id = (int) $_GET['id'];` but to be honest, I'd no idea what the `(int)` actually meant. Would there be any advantage to casting all variables to their datatype, or is it just required in queries?
NeonBlue Bliss
this is generally considered good practice. *always* validate and sanitize all user input
+1  A: 

In addition to preventing SQL injection, PDO allows you to prepare a query once and execute it multiple times. If your query is executed multiple times (within a loop, for instance), this method should be more efficient (I say "should be", because it looks like that is not always the case on older versions of MySQL). The prepare/bind method is also more in line with other languages I have worked with.

That's the one thing I love about PDO, apart from the escape-things :) +1
+9  A: 

I'm not super familiar with PDO, but there is a distinction between "prepared statements" and escaped strings. Escaping might prevent someone from closing out your SQL statement and starting another one, but they could still modify it in a malicious way.

Think of it this way: when you give a query to the database, you're telling it a couple of separate things. One thing is, for example, "I want you to do a select." The other thing is "limit it to rows WHERE column=value."

If you build up a query as a string and hand it to the database, it doesn't know about either part until it gets the completed string. You might do this:

'SELECT * FROM transactions WHERE username=$username'

Someone might input their user name as billysmith OR 1=1, and you might put that in your WHERE clause, resulting in:

'SELECT * FROM transactions WHERE username=billysmith OR 1=1'

...which would return all the transactions for all users, because 1 always equals 1.

With a prepared statement, you're basically telling MySQL "OK, I want you to do a select, and that's all. It's going to be limited to rows WHERE username = a string that I'm about to give you. Are you ready? OK, here is the string."

In this case, the database would only return rows where the username column contains the actual string 'billysmith OR 1=1.' If nobody has that user name, it will return nothing.

Now, escaping quotes isn't useless. If you allowed quotes in the submitted string, a malicious user could submit something like this for their username:

billysmith'; 'DROP TABLE';

In other words, they can trick your program into running multiple, arbitrary SQL statements instead of just the one you wanted. Escaping quotes should prevent this. But using a prepared statement is more thorough.

Prepared statements can also be reused with different parameters, which should be faster than building a new query from scratch, because the database already knows basically what you're about to ask for.

For another explanation, see Theo's answer here.

Nathan Long
Thanks! That's just what I need - the plain English version (i.e. the idiot's guide ;-))
NeonBlue Bliss
+5  A: 

Unlike mysql_real_escape_string, PDO allows you to enforce a datatype.

/* Execute a prepared statement by binding PHP variables */
$calories = 150;
$colour = 'red';
$sth = $dbh->prepare('SELECT name, colour, calories
    FROM fruit
    WHERE calories < :calories AND colour = :colour');
$sth->bindParam(':calories', $calories, PDO::PARAM_INT);
$sth->bindParam(':colour', $colour, PDO::PARAM_STR, 12);

Note that in the example above, the first parameter, calories, is required to be an integer (PDO::PARAM_INT).

Second, to me, PDO parameterized queries are easier to read. I'd rather read:

SELECT name FROM user WHERE id = ? AND admin = ?


SELECT name FROM user WHERE id = mysql_real_escape_string($id) AND admin = mysql_real_escape_string($admin);

Third, you don't have to make sure you quote parameters properly. PDO takes care of that. For example, mysql_real_query_string:

SELECT * FROM user WHERE name = 'mysql_real_escape_string($name)' //note quotes around param


SELECT * FROM user WHERE name = ?

Finally, PDO allows you to port your app to a different db without changing your PHP data calls.

Cory House
+5  A: 

As the current answers go into details while your question is more aimed at a general overview, I'll give it a try:

The PDO classes aim to encapsulate all the functionality needed to interact with a database. They do this by defining 'methods' (OO parlor for functions) and 'properties' (OO parlor for variables). You'd use them as a complete replacement for all the 'standard' functions you are using now for talking to a database.

So instead of calling a series of the 'mysql_doSomething()' functions, storing their results in your own variables, you would 'instantiate' an object from the PDO class ('class' = abstract definition, 'object' = concrete, usable instance of a class) and call methods on that object to do the same.

As an example, without PDO, you'd do something like this:

// Get a db connection
$connection = mysql_connect('someHost/someDB', 'userName', 'password');
// Prepare a query
$query = mysql_real_escape_string('SELECT somthing FROM someTable');
// Issue a query
$db_result = mysql_query($query);
// Fetch the results
$results = array();
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($db_result)) {
  $results[] = $row;

while this would be the equivalent using PDO:

// Instantiate new PDO object (will create connection on the fly)
$db = new PDO('mysql:dbname=someDB;host=someHost');
// Prepare a query (will escape on the fly)
$statement = $db->prepare('SELECT somthing FROM someTable');
// $statement is now a PDOStatement object, with its own methods to use it, e.g.
// execute the query
// fetch results as array
$results = $statement->fetchAll();

So on first glance, there is not much difference, except in syntax. But the PDO version has some advantages, the biggest one being database independence:

If you need to talk to a PostgreSQL database instead, you'd only change mysql:to pgsql: in the instantiating call new PDO(). With the old method, you'd have to go through all your code, replacing all 'mysql_doSomething()' functions with their 'pg_doSomthing()' counterpart (always checking for potential differences in parameter handling). The same would be the case for many other supported database engines.

So to get back to your question, PDO basically just gives you a different way to achieve the same things, while offering some shortcuts/improvements/advantages. For example, escaping would happen automatically in the proper way needed for the database engine you are using. Also parameter substitution (prevents SQL Injections, not shown in example) is much easier, making it less error prone.

You should read up on some OOP basics to get an idea of other advantages.

Henrik Opel
Again, thanks, just the easy read version I need! I think the problem is I was taught the procedural method (I took a diploma course in web development a couple of years ago with a university that while very good is known for being a little behind the times when it comes to some things, and I haven't really used much of the programming side of things since until recently). Looks like I need to relearn a lot of what I know about PHP the OOP way. Useful link too (duly bookmarked) - thanks again everyone!
NeonBlue Bliss