



Hi All,

I have added all common targets like (init,clean,getivy etc) in ./common/common.xml and added import file="${basedir}/common/common.xml" in build.xml.

When i build the project, its working fine.But, When i open build.xml in eclipse IDE , i see some "Red" marks underneath "targets" which has a dependency targets that are defined in common.xml. And when i do mouse over those Red marked targets, i see a message saying that "Target init does not exist in this project"

Can some one help me to figure it out.

thanks in advance.


Additional Information: "common" folder is added through svn:externals. Does this need extra configurations in eclipse.


Use the include path ${basedir}/common/common.xml because . is probably the directory in which Eclipse is installed.

Aaron Digulla
forgot to mention, i add import file="${basedir}/common/common.xml" in build.xml
I have a common directory included as an svn:external. Nearly the same setup as you. My build file is simply: <project name="ProjectName" default="package"> <import file="common/build/common-targets.xml" /> </project>What ANT runtime are you using within eclipse. I am using 1.7.1.v20090120-1145
Ah, yes, the Ant runtime could have an effect. Other than that, I'm stumped.
Aaron Digulla

If your build.xml, and the common directory are at the same directory level then just try

<import file="common/common.xml" />

This works for me fine.

What version of eclipse are you using?

I tried that one too.In either of the cases i am able to build the project, but why eclipse is not recognizing the common targets when i open build.xml.I am using Eclipse ganymede 3.4.2 I also tried in galileo

I found a post online here where someone found a workaround. You just need to make the file import not the first line in the ant build file. If you put it after a property declaration for instance the error goes away. This worked fine for me and eclipse is happy now.

Jeremy T