I am creating a classifieds website.
Im storing all ads in mysql database, in different tables.
Is it possible to find these ads somehow, from googles search engine?
Is it possible to create meta information about each ad so that google finds them?
How does major companies do this?
I have thought about auto-generating a html-page for each ad inserted, but 500thousand auto-generated html pages doesn't really sound that good of a solution!
Any thoughts and idéas?
UPDATE: Here is my basic website so far: (ALL PHP BASED) I have a search engine which searches database for records. After finding and displaying search results, you can click on a result ('ad') and then PHP fetches info from the database and displays it, simple! In the 'put ad' section of my site, you can put your own ad into a mysql database.
I need to know how I should make google find ads in my website also, as I dont think google-crawler can search my database just because users can.
Please explain your answers more thoroughly so that I understand fully how this works!
Thank you