




Zend Mail throws an exception (because mail() returns false) when the to name is set to something with both a foreign character (like "å") and a comma (","). Re-produce with code below.

$mail = new Zend_Mail('utf-8');
    ->setFrom('info@myhost', 'My company')
    ->addTo('[email protected]', 'aå,a')

If I change the addTo call to something of the below, no error occurs.

->addTo('[email protected]', 'aåa')
->addTo('[email protected]', 'a,a')
->addTo('[email protected]', 'aa')

The weird thing is, even though it throws an exception ("Unable to send mail"), the mail is delivered. I'm running the latest Zend Mail (1.9.5?). Please halp!


The problem is that mail() function for $to accepts

User <[email protected]>, Another User <[email protected]>

and I guess that PHP internally splits the string on commas to separate multiple recipients but you are providing only one email address.

If you think this is a Zend_Mail, or PHP bug you should post this to the appropriate issue tracker.

Goran Jurić

The comma is a reserved literal in the "to" part of a mail header (and you should never use it though), separating different targets. Even if your "first" mail gets sent, imho it creates a header like this:

aå, a <[email protected]>

With this header i assume your mta tries to send two mails: one to aå, which fails (badly), and a second one to [email protected], which should make its way. You could try to look into the mail headers to confirm this theory.
