



How can i change the field size diynamicaly?
I have a select field and there are 3 options with different values. So if the user selects one of them in the you see the values. But how can i change the size that the values from option field fits in the

function changeText()

            var select       = document.getElementById("surl");
            var textfield    = document.getElementById("turl");
            var bold         = document.getElementById("burl");
            var link         = document.getElementById("linkText");

            if( == "none")
       = "";

            bold.innerHtml   = select.value;
            //if(link.innerHTML !="")
               link.innerHTML= select.value;
            textfield.value  = select.value;


<b>Sample: </b><select id="surl" onchange="changeText();" style="visibility: visible;" name="linkText">
         <option>Select LinkText</option>
         <option value="<a href='http://www.doesntexist.dsdsd/'&gt;Want sign? http://www.doesntexist.dsdsd&lt;/a&gt;"&gt;
          <option value="<a href='http://www.doesntexist.dsdsd/'&gt;Wanna killme? http://www.doesntexist.dsdsd&lt;/a&gt;"&gt;
            Variant 2

     <br />
    <div class="succes">
     <span id="burl" style="display: none"><br /><a id="linkText" href="http://www.doesntexist/"&gt;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/span&gt;

         <textarea  id="turl" style="">
        <a  href="http://www.doesntexist"&gt;text...&lt;/a&gt;

For example:

<script type="text/javascript">
document.getElementById("textarea_id").style.width = "300px";
document.getElementById("textarea_id").style.width = "200px";
Ah, the question was updated. Seconding @Mathias Bynens' answer.
+1  A: 

A quick 'n' dirty jQuery solution would be the following:

$('input#foo-option-1').bind('change, click', function() {
 if ($(this).is(':checked')) {
   $('textarea').css('height', '150px');

$('input#foo-option-2').bind('change, click', function() {
 if ($(this).is(':checked')) {
   $('textarea').css('height', '250px');

$('input#foo-option-3').bind('change, click', function() {
 if ($(this).is(':checked')) {
   $('textarea').css('height', '350px');

Of course, this code isn’t very DRY. Moreover, modifying CSS properties through JavaScript is never a very good idea — it’s better to add classes dynamically through JS and specify the actual CSS in your CSS files (duh).

Mathias Bynens
That was not what im looking for and the code looks like spaghetti wit tomato sauce
@streetparade > that was rude
Gregory Pakosz

First of all i thought there are more devs who can help; any way here is the answer

first create a function which calculates the strlen

function strlen(strVar)

Second create a var tfcount

var tfcount      = strlen(select.value);

and finaly   =  tfcount < 110 ? tfcount = 110 : 3.5*tfcount+"px";  =  tfcount < 110 ? tfcount = 110 : tfcount/2.5+"px";
This isn’t an answer to his question. OP wants to resize a textarea based on which radio button is selected, not on the textarea’s contents.
Mathias Bynens
First the above question has no where a radio button. Their is a select field with several option fields. And the above answer does exactly what the question was resizing a text area dynamicaly.
+1  A: 

Sorry, I must’ve misunderstood your problem.

So you want to resize a textarea dynamically based on what, its contents? You could use the jQuery autoResize plugin for this…

Mathias Bynens