



I am using sugarCRM at my localhost.

For no apparent reason firefox is viewing the page in Quirks mode (the login page). This is completely messing up the page, here is a sample of the data shown:

��������Z�n7�-}v�fd4��q�Z�·8�ڱa�-� f(� 5�rf��<�b���y�=��ftwRw�@"����m�<�2��^?}� -��Ӌ�s���w|�#��Wo����U��'���a�n�{2��f0f1�E��~K��� fA\�$♞)�ioDU���]�U�;�$�`��krp@�XKE|I�p&k������C[rP��!��?�tH��9�j�p=

I thought this might be the server's fault (apache) but if I use Epiphany I can see the page perfectly. When I see the pages info, I see that the render mode is in quirks mode.

Is there any way to force it to use the Standards compliance mode?

I am on ubuntu 9.10 using Firefox 3.5 (I also tried 3.0.15, same thing happened) I disabled all the extension and I still got the same page. A friend tried viewing it with Chrome and the same thing happened :(

+2  A: 

To get Firefox to render a page in standards-compliant mode, add a DOCTYPE to your HTML. For example, if you're using HTML (as opposed to XHTML), use:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" ""&gt;

You might find this Wikipedia link helpful - triggering different rendering modes.

Dominic Rodger
+4  A: 

Couldn't it be an encoding issue? E.g., your Apache sends

Content-Type: text/html; charset=Big5

but your HTML page is simply ASCII. Then you get gibberish as that. If you know your HTML encoding, try "View" -> "Character Encoding" in FF and switch back and forth a bit.

Alternatively, look at Apache's httpd.conf and search for the



Seconded. This doesn't look like a rendering mode issue.
+2  A: 

The screwed up data you posted suggests that the character encoding your document uses and the character encoding that Firefox thinks it uses does not match.

  1. Pick a character encoding
  2. Make sure you use it in your document
  3. Make sure your Content-Type header specifies that encoding is a useful guide.

David Dorward

Are you using PHP 5.3? It may be the reason. What is your Sugar version?

Mithun P
I am using php 5.2.11 and I have the latest sugarcrm ce
Please let me know the exact Sugar version
Mithun P