



Dear All

I have split a Joomla installation across two servers (one for dynamic content, one for static) and I'm having trouble with the wysiwyg editor TinyMCE/JCE. Can anyone offer any guidance?

Some details:

I am working on a social-networking site based on Joomla. I have split the content over two servers, and edited configuration.php accordingly, e.g.:

$mosConfig_live_site = '';
$mosConfig_data_site = '';

php files are served from live_site, static content (e.g., javascript files, css, images, etc) is served from data_site. This has meant going through the Joomla codebase changing e.g., $mosConfig_live_site to $mosConfig_data_site, as appropriate (please tell me if there's an easier way to do it!). The site now runs significantly more quickly, and generally behaves itself. In particular, javascript generally works when served from data_site instead of live_site.

However, TinyMCE/JCE, the wysiwyg editor I'm using (from mambots/editors/), does not like being served from data_site. Depending on how I try to serve it from the data site, various parts of the editor just do not appear in the resulting webpage.

For example, if I change the function getTinyUrl() in


to this:

function getTinyUrl(){
    global $mainframe;
    if( !$this->tiny_url ){
        $this->tiny_url =  $mainframe->getCfg('data_site') . "/mambots/editors/jce/jscripts/tiny_mce";  // was 'live_site'
    return $this->tiny_url;

The popup windows associated with the editor (eg html source code editor, add page break, etc.) will all show up blank. In fact, that is my primary symptom: popup windows or s will appear blank, with no active javascript.

I have pored over the code but can't find purchase. I'd appreciate any leads at all.

Best wishes
