



Hi all,

I have to print out one of my projects and the built-in print function of Eclipse isn't doing a good job at all. Font, font size, page border etc..

Does anyone know a plug-in or tool to print out my whole project easily? Maybe with some formatting options on it?

After a little bit google, I've encountered enscript but its an Linux tool and unfortunately I'm on a Windows machine.



The most recent plugin about printing and printing preview is:


a simple, light weight, extensible Java printing plug-in for SWT.
PaperClips hides the complexity of laying out and rendering documents on the printer, helping you focus on what to print instead of how to print it.

In a nutshell, PaperClips provides an assortment of document "building blocks," which you can tweak and combine to form a custom document.
The assembled document is then sent to PaperClips for printing.
PaperClips includes support for printing text, images, borders, headers and footers, column layouts and grid layouts, to name a few. It can also be extended with your own printable classes.

Here in an example in this article:

alt text
