I have the following problem. I have something like 300 Eclipse Plugins. Now, as part of an ant script I want to read all MANIFEST.MF files and then look for the execution environment string.
Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment: J2SE-1.4
Now, this string has several possible values. I want to create a report that lists the execution environment for each plug-in. That part is not really a problem as I can use some kind of regexp to obtain it.
My problem is that I want also to create some kind of summary for tracking changes at a glance, something like:
- JS2E-1.4: 50 Plugins
- JS2E-1.5: 150 Plugins
- JS2E-1.6: 74 Plugins
Anyone has some suggestions on how could I go around this?
EDIT: Reason for using ANT is that I want to integrate it with a nightly build script