



Hi, in a List i have one 'Status' field that should be accessible to only Owners and to the Viewers/Readers it should not be accessible. Do anybody can guide me how to do this.


This is not possible out of the box, but I came across this tool that will help to archive this with ease

+1  A: 

Well, you can, your view still is visible if the users know how to reach the default views of your list, if its not a security issue, you can use this:

  • Open your All Items View (/Lists/MyList/AllItems.aspx)
  • Edit the Page
  • Add the same List as a WebPart, twice
  • Delete the original webpart (the one with the Change View drop down)
  • Edit your WebParts and configure your views
  • In the Toolpart, on the Advanced [+] set Audience Targetting to your desired Groups
  • Done!

I thought Audience Targeting is the way to go, however, I doubt it can be used in column in your case. So I agree with Kusek on this. The best choice is third party tools. If you want free one, codeplex is your best chioce. Mentioned above. SharePoint View Permission is good but you need to pay for it. Bamboo also provides such tool, you can google it if you want.

+1  A: 

Either that or you can create a workflow that copies the item to a new list with its metadata, but without that specific column and only give the viewers rights to see that list.

+1  A: 

If the question is one of security (it usually is, else just use a view), you can't lock down specific columns. You can find techniques to hide them, but then you're just plugging holes.

The workflow approach recommended by KoenVosters is probably the only secured way I can think of delivering this without coding.
