I have a an object that I'd like to grab the contents of in java. The only problem is that is is currently in ruby.
irb(main):050:0> blah
=> "BAh7ByIeYXV0aGVudGljYXRpb25fc3RyYXRlZ2llczAiCXVzZXJpBg%253D%253D-\
irb(main):049:0> Marshal.load(Base64.decode64(blah))
=> {"authentication_strategies"=>nil, "user"=>1}
I got the base64 portion allright -- so now everything is in bytes. How would i access that 2nd string? I presume something can be done with jruby but I've never used it before and would have no clue where to start.
let me elaborate on my problem here.
1) these are cookies that I'm trying to share between a servlet on tomcat and a merb app on apache
2) I am not going to be storing them in the database. I have thought about using them in memcached but for other reasons I'd like to store them as cookies (yes I'm well aware of the security implications involved)
I am currently looking at jruby's Red Bridge/jruby-embed, however since this is only like 70 bytes I need to look at I think it's ridiculous to call up all that overhead for something so simple.
rather than start up a new question.... code I have right now looks like so:
// using commons
Base64 b64 = new Base64();
byte[] decoded = b64.decode(cookie.getValue().getBytes());
ScriptingContainer container = new ScriptingContainer();
container.runScriptlet("la = Marshal.load(\"" + decoded + "\"); puts la.to_s;");
obviously this isn't going to work cause marshal is going to check the first 2 bytes of decoded and freak out since it doesn't match jruby's major/minor version....hrmss..