No, no "elegant" solution, I'm afraid.
Furthermore, introducing functions, whether "native" or CLR, in the WHERE clause would prevent SQL of using indexes to resolve the predicate (it would have to scan the whole table, unless some other predicate came to help, in parts)
A few things to notice:
- the use of the underscore may be acceptable here since the targeted values seem to follow a very regular pattern. However underscore when used with LIKE, is itself a wildcard (corresponding to one and exactly one character). If you truly want to specify underscore, "escape" them by putting them in brackets, i.e.
will match 'abc_def'
, precisely, but not 'abcXdef'
for example.
- the expression could be made a bit more selective and shorter with things like
i.e. assuming dates will be in this century and limiting for day bigger than 3x etc.