



For some time I am suffering some backaches and chest-aches after working at home in front of my lap-top. After 2 hours it starts suffering to squeeze on my computer. In the office there is no problem at all (we have big screens and desktops for sure).

I do not know where to start to make it more ergonomic but a friend of mine offered me 3 ways which does not cost me at all:

  1. external keyboard and mouse every time with laptop

  2. putting some books under the laptop itself is fine but the important is height of the monitor in relation to height to your eyes)

  3. 30 second pause every 1 hour - some simple neck-stretching helps a lot

He says he was able to code up to 16 hours a day after applying those.

Do you have any other suggestions that won't force me to buy one of those expensive chairs or desks?


  • External keyboard and mouse are a must have.

  • I like doing 5-10 minute pauses every 2 hours.

  • A good chair is important


Just walk away from your laptop now and then.. otherwise we could just serve you some batteries for breakfast;)

Ben Fransen

Cheap may not be value for money in long run. A good chair may be the best investment you ever have. Same goes for other items/devices/gadgets.

Search SO ( and you'll get all sorts of useful ideas and recommendations.

+1  A: 

Here's an entire site dedicated to computer-related ergonomics :)
