



Hi, guys. I'm having some serious problems with this, have been working on it for some time now - about 2 weeks - and I just can't see the issue I'm having here. I'm sure I'm making a dumb mistake somewhere.

Anyhow, enough of my rambling. I'm having trouble with the code below, in that it doesn't want to update the world. WHat I mean is that, when you click the up arrow, my intention is that it should change to a different picture while the mouse is depressed on it. However, this second image does not appear, but I know it's being added to (and removed from) the array list because of the output print statements. I'm sure it's an obvious problem, I just can't figure it out, and I'd really appreciate a little help.

I have tried to order the code in order of relevance, so hopefully if you see a problem in GameCanvas (which is where I am CERTAIN the problem is), you don't need to trawl through the rest.

I have actually figured this out myself, thank you - the key was to use this.repaint() instead of this.update().